awww, depressed depressed & depressed. i think i'm gonna lost 15 marks alrweady on my physics. BOOOOOOOZZZ. such a lousy way to mark off the start of sa1. i dun have enough time for my physics. ): desperate for time. (: haha. i dun used to love time during lessons, but i love it now duringg sa1s . LOLS. ain't i pathetic? about 15 marks gone leh . 15 ! not a amall no luhs. gonna go crazyy over this thing. mr goh really sholun't have gave us so many questions & so little time luhs. so improportionaLL. he was the one teaching us those temp proportional to volume . ahh. wadever. i've forgotten. eng composition was quite QUITE okays. MON; HISTORY && CHINESE PAPER 1 & 2. THIS is so so so gonna be extreme crazy. three 3 tests in one day. how crazy can this be? && yea, nureen, i think i'm going to pull up my socks with you too. ;D

ha, the girl is cute, LOLS, but i'm depressed like her. craps.

ha, the girl is cute, LOLS, but i'm depressed like her. craps.
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