HA sorry people. it's been a "little" while since ive blogged): busy with loads and loads of things. unfinished. things just come again and when you finish. it's a non-stop thing yeaa? school is tired! (: haaha. you wont get to have really a lot of extra time to do whatever things you like hur? maybe only onn friday when i getta go home early and go swimming later hohoz. oh man, jiaying is soon gonna complain bout not having gone swimming for a long time. hahaha. dun worry, girl. there'll surely be time for you. TIME MANAGEMENT. haah.:D andt he weather these few days is getting wierder day by day. it's like very unpredictable lar. sometimes it can be really scorching hot while some days, you can get freezing coldd weather. oh well. the earth's ending? who knows? ha. tday's a raining day, as well. had physics and then cme. cme was slackkk. tcher keppt repeating and repeating what she say, for dunno how many times and while i was doing some work, she just left a stackk of worksheets on my tabl, without saying anything-.- so asked her if i was supposed to give out and she say, ya la, give out. how "nice" of her. thanks manz. tsktsk. PE was slack as well , teacher didnt come, and i ended up doing chemistry worksheeet cause there's a lot homewrk on chem. but it seems that im struggling while doing. doesnt rlly understand yea. ha. shud have work harder alr. ); went down for recess afterwards and wow, the school's seem to be flooding . hoh. how nice! it was rlly flooding downstairs ha. luckily, those classes there one step higher if not, you can swim in class alr. no la, not so exxagerating yea. maths lesson was sleepy tday. oh manz. i was rlly sleepy but i did manage to listen what mdm yeo said. ha. i can sleep and listen at the same time . how facsinating! >< haha. just joking yea. i immediately woke up when i heard six formulas to remember. ha. too shocking , maybe. then hav lunch with jiaying. ha. she's damm cute(: yes; swimming laterrrrr:DDDDDDD
Saturday, July 28, 2007
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- LOLS. ytd my sister was like doing some chinese co...
- YEAH! second post of the day. yeaps before i start...
- HELLOS! IM BACK PPLE(: this week semms to be a bus...
- FINALYY, IT'S FRIDAY. waited very long for this pe...
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- AND IN THE END. that tester didnt even come. he go...
- im in no mood to blog): duh~ it's already 01.32am ...
- ohkay! finally. i've been trying from afternoon to...
- hmmm, went for familarisation tour at my holding s...
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