ohkay! finally. i've been trying from afternoon to log into blogger but i failed. BUT finally i can. phew! duno what happen to my blogger. hmmm, nevermind. at least i could log in now. did amaths ispl today, only first partt. enjoy-ing? lols. hmmmmm, still okay? but very tiring. dun feel like doing anymore, i wan to slackkkkkkkkkkk. please. oh ya, just remembered theres gonna be a maths remedial on monday. have to go backk school againzz. hmmm was bored and i found this . quite stupidd hur? lols.

LOLS. ;DDDDDD yea, entertainment hur? lols but it's funny. yea, and went swimming just now. was dammm bored. was the only girl in BM leh. zz. then i cannot do a lot of thinggs when szeling & jing wen didnt come. ): sads manz! BM test coming real sooon. dammm scared canz. arghhhh~ got so much thoeryyyy to memorise! and coach almost wanted us to swallow up the book. -.-

LOLS. ;DDDDDD yea, entertainment hur? lols but it's funny. yea, and went swimming just now. was dammm bored. was the only girl in BM leh. zz. then i cannot do a lot of thinggs when szeling & jing wen didnt come. ): sads manz! BM test coming real sooon. dammm scared canz. arghhhh~ got so much thoeryyyy to memorise! and coach almost wanted us to swallow up the book. -.-
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