FINALYY, IT'S FRIDAY. waited very long for this perfectly wondeerful day, cos it's really tough having to wake up at 5.45 every morning. it's rweally tough mentally and pysically ok.i need rest): seriouslyy. &&& i purposely woke up at 0530 in the morning to studyy chemistry. ANDD the test ended up beingg tough because i didnt really know how to do. zz. oh well. have to buck up now. my brain seems to rust after the hols lols. i tendd to forget a lot tthings easilyy. anyway,
haha(: enjoy your day, girll. anyway, tdy's a shortt day. yea. had mother tongue reading in class. cos the class is a condusive environment . LOLS. then had phyics, oh my, mr goh was as horny as ever. so gross can. lols. & then chemistry): a sad one, cos i didnt know how to do the test. lols. and i lack communication with mrs ooi. -.- oh well. maths lesson was funny as well. mdm yeo have to act like some loansharks and chase people for money haha. cooooooool, hur? xD yea, && bye
haha(: enjoy your day, girll. anyway, tdy's a shortt day. yea. had mother tongue reading in class. cos the class is a condusive environment . LOLS. then had phyics, oh my, mr goh was as horny as ever. so gross can. lols. & then chemistry): a sad one, cos i didnt know how to do the test. lols. and i lack communication with mrs ooi. -.- oh well. maths lesson was funny as well. mdm yeo have to act like some loansharks and chase people for money haha. cooooooool, hur? xD yea, && bye