ytd went out with liling & sis. went jurong entertainment centre. nahhhh~ dun really like to go there. nothing nice. tsk. hahaz. went for lunch first. &&& something happened. i saw beatrice tan right befor my eyes. oh well, fine , i was exxagerating. hahas. then went to take neoprints. the first one we took was superb nice;D haha. the second one was uh-so-stupid. feel like kicking the machine luhs. the pen wasn't nice to use . couldnt draw larhs. therefor waste a lot of time. ): and no designs ! liling was like so fed up and kept knocking the pen over the screen. lols. u'll be in some WONDERFUL shit if someone walkked by and saw what you are doing. x] haah. but luckily, nobody was there and there wasn't even a single soul at the counter. and a lot of pple were crowding the counter and kept ringing the bell. =.= ring ring ring ring. zz. their sevice sucks probably because they are combined with x-zone hence they dun care abt the counter at the neoprints side. zz. how could they?! hmmmmm. 2.15pm we went to watch "men in white" nice show. went to but nachos and there was these 2 girls infront of us. they kept turning around and look at us, whispered sth btw them, turned to look at other pple and whispered by themselves again.=.= pissed off can. zz. when it's their turn guess what, they queued so long to buy ONE ! loliipop. so stupid can. the show nice la but quite stupid at some parts can laugh to death. ;D combination of english, chinese and hokkien were spoken. how not nice to some pple. maybe. but im still fine with it la. ha.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
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