Saturday, October 6, 2007

the exams are finally. Finally. FINALLY. over ! and just in case you didnt read it properly, i shall repeat once again : eoys are O-V-E-R. yea yea:D offically over. this week was rather(actually "extremely" will be a better word), hectic and tiring can. slept late every night and woke up damn early to revise again-.- how nice! but still, disappointment came one after another. i guess im not gonna get what i've wanted at the end of this year. awwwwwD: screw it manz!! esp for phyics! Gosh.
whatever, it's over. D: what fears and freak us out most will soon be results. put that aside first, end of SA2 definitely calls for a celebration. YEAHS. haha. :DDDD

&& i definitely hope things wont get worse. =X yup.


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