Friday, October 12, 2007

beware people. im getting emo )): disappointment came one after another. it was a great blow for me today. oh well. any great blow tomorrow and i can go and commit suicide. NO! NO! im not that stupid! -.- yupp. almost all resutls were under performing. how i wish i can just maintained the results i got in sa1 ? that will be like fantastic to me already. and i'll be utmost happy. oh well, thats so so so impossible. mission impossible. ):
true enough, i aint happy with my results D: but therres no point turning back except to grumble and groan . insensible, i know. )): dammn unexpected to get sucha depressing grade for bio and mathematics. you can see how leyu even shouted when he got 93 for maths. how incredible. yes im envious. who don't ? maybe i should really start working my ass off now already and find out where my mistakes were, dont worry, yes i will do that. :)yeahyeah
anyway hope there isnt any great blows for me to take tomorrow. eh! i cannot tahan one OK! LOL. hahahaha yeahyeah:DDDD


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