ISPL! ISPL! i love you so damm much. have to do those packages everyday alr! boooz. started on english yesterday && i still haven't finish till today. lols . nebermind. these packages cant be rushed if not everythng would be in a mess hur? (: yeahs. i've a positive mind. yeayea, cos i dun like to see things in a negative way. not nice. but 10% of my life i'll will think in a neggative ay. lols. cos who dont? hahas. well, i still left the compre & the compo in eng pacakage & i'll be done with one sub. but theres still a long lonng very long way to go. i took 8 subjects means 8 packages minus off eng package . i'll still be left with 7 ultra thick packages. not holiday packages hur. i'll be so dammm glad if those were holiday packages. hahas. & packages + extra homework frm teachers = OH MY GOD! (: haha, nevermind. can brush up my skills. heh. heh. STAY POSITIVE! LOLS.

lols. quite sstupid hur. :p just for entertainment(:

lols. quite sstupid hur. :p just for entertainment(: